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Cliente Sorgente Genetica

02  4948  5291

  • Cos'è AURORA

    Aurora è il test di screening prenatale di ultima generazione 
    sicuro, affidabile,
    veloce e precoce

  • Sicuro

    Grazie a un semplice prelievo di sangue materno
    eviti il rischio di aborto di tecniche invasive come amniocentesi o villocentesi

  • Affidabile

    Oltre il 99,9% di affidabilità nel rilevare
    la trisomia 21, responsabile
    della Sindrome di Down

  • Precoce e veloce

    icona svegliaIndividuare precocemente la presenza di anomalie cromosomiche è fondamentale:
    puoi effettuare Aurora dalla 10ª settimana

    icona documentoIl test è veloce: risultati in 7-10 giorni lavorativi con la percentuale di test da ripetere più bassa del mercato: 0,1%

  • La serenità della mamma
    in 3 semplici passi


    Prenota il test


    Fai un prelievo di sangue


    Leggi i risultati

  • Test diagnosi prenatale non invasivo
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Ultime notizie dal mondo della genetica

Daily use of cannabis reduces birth weight

Daily use of marijuana during pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight. Furthermore, children are less resistant to infections, receive lower levels of oxygen and suffer other negative consequences. Yet another proof of cannabis damage in pregnancy comes from a study by the University of Nevada.

The team analyzed data from 450 pregnant women who used marijuana daily. From what has emerged, there is a correlation between this and the weight of the child at the time of delivery. Children are in fact smaller, which puts them at risk both during pregnancy and afterwards. This can have negative consequences even in the long run, long after the birth. Scholars have looked for possible causes.

According to the doctors, marijuana increases the vascular resistance of the placenta, especially in the second and third trimesters. This reduces the influx of oxygen reaching the child, reducing the speed of development. Furthermore, the consumption of marijuana exposes to a series of other chemical substances, among which those contained in the tobacco used to smoke it.

The researchers suspect that much of the damage comes from the smoke itself. Further studies will be needed to understand the negative impacts on daily marijuana use during pregnancy. Nevertheless, it now seems clear that the use of the substance should be discouraged during gestation. Yet almost 16% of women use it over the nine months.


The single embryo policy proves effective

In April 2017, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) reviewed their guidelines regarding IVF. The new indications recommend that only one embryo be implanted at a time, especially in women under the age of 38. In case of multiple failures, they recommend not to climb over the two embryos per implant. According to the latest reports, this policy is bearing fruit.

In the United States, twin births have collapsed. On the other hand, there has been no change in the rate of newborns. This happened following the new policy mentioned above, aimed at reducing the many risks associated with twinning parties. Dr. Allison Eubanks analyzed the phenomenon and its effects on her patients.

The medical center of which the doctor is a part immediately adopted the new guidelines. The doctors made no exceptions, even to study the actual impact on patients and newborns. According to the doctor, it was a good choice. She and other researchers have in fact compared the results of cycles conducted in the 2 years preceding the policy and in the following 2 years. In total, the researchers were able to study 367 successful pregnancies.

The data show a net decline in the number of embryos transferred and in the rate of twin pregnancies. In parallel, there has been an increase in the quality of the transferred embryos with positive consequences for mothers and children. Nevertheless, doctors have found that this approach works especially on younger patients. In the case of more adult women, with several attempts behind them, it might be better to use another type of approach.


Drug abuse in pregnancy could cause diabetes

In fact, drug abuse in pregnancy can cause a large number of disorders in the fetus. A study led by Dr. Solomia Korchynska adds another problem to the list. According to researchers, drug abuse during pregnancy would increase the risk of diabetes for the child. The effects would be more evident in newborn females than in males.

The study is based on the observation of human patients and animal models. Researchers have studied how psychostimulants influence pancreatic cell development. The process would be similar to the one that causes brain abnormalities. In the brain, psychostimulants act through dopamine signaling pathways. In the pancreas, however, they rest on serotonin transporters.

Psychostimulants hinder the development of new cells both in the brain and in the pancreas. As a result, the body is unable to produce enough insulin and, over time, this leads to the onset of diabetes. How does it all happen, going more specifically? The researchers found that drugs act on epigenetic regulation; this is why pancreatic cells fail to develop properly.

Tests on animal models show that occasional consumption is enough to cause these effects. It therefore seems clear that drugs in pregnancy do not cause "only" cognitive problems in the fetus. On the contrary, they would influence the development of all organs in ways yet to be explored.


Eating well during pregnancy helps the unborn child's heart

Nutrition in pregnancy is essential for the health of the unborn child: it is now well known. According to two preliminary studies presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2019, it could also determine the cardiovascular health of the unborn child. Further proof of how the maternal lifestyle has long-term consequences.

The first research comes from Northwestern University in Chicago. Scholars have followed 877 couples of mothers and children from 9 centers in 6 countries. The researchers assessed women's health during pregnancy, using 5 of the 7 metrics recommended by the American Heart Association's Life's Simple 7 score. For assessments they took into account: weight, use of tobacco, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, blood pressure. After 10-14 years, they analyzed the health status of their children using the same metrics.

Women with the best cardiovascular health in pregnancy were also those with healthier children. Maternal cardiovascular conditions may affect the health status of the fetus and the child. However, researchers are not sure that there is a relationship of cause and effect between the two.

The second study focused instead on nutrition and the relationship with the future health of the fetus. From what has emerged, women who ate so much junk food in the second trimester have had children more prone to obesity and cardiovascular problems. Many of these children were already overweight at the age of 4.


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